UMass Boston

Put Something on Reserve

Reserves Services handles reserve requests, both physical and electronic. We place print books, films, DVDs, and ebooks on reserve for you. Electronic formats will always be selected first, when the option exists and meets our budgetary considerations.

Please submit your reserves requests as soon as you're able! Materials requests submitted three weeks or earlier prior to the start of a semester are often available depending on materials availability and shipping schedules for students to use by the beginning of the semester. Materials submitted during the first week of a semester or later may not be available when needed.

Submit Online – All requests for Reserves materials must be submitted using the Request Form below.

Consultation & Questions   

  • Circulation Desk: 617.287.5900 (general questions)
  • Reference Desk: 617.287.5940 (questions about library resources)
  • Reserves Desk: 617.287.5904 (questions about reserves processing, Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm)
  • Staff Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday

Print Reserve Guidelines (for books and films)

  • You can request that we purchase required books and films for your course.
  • You may temporarily loan personal copies, or donate them, for reserves use.
  • Most books and films placed on reserve circulate for 3 hours and can be taken outside the building.
  • Items on reserve are available at the Circulation Desk during regular library hours.
  • Materials to be added to reserves may be dropped off at the Circulation Desk on the second floor, anytime the library is open. New materials should be requested via our Library Requests Form.

Reserves Textbook Policy 

The Healey Library does not purchase textbooks for Course Reserves, for the following reasons: 

  • The high cost (and limited library budget), 
  • New editions frequently published,
  • It is outside the library’s mandate,
  • The library cannot guarantee access to students (i.e., most library-licensable textbooks are available as single-user ebooks, the equivalent of a single print textbook; print textbooks are often lost, stolen, or vandalized), and
  • The library cannot purchase, license, or provide access to the supplementary materials. 

Exceptions may be made for textbooks that are of more general or permanent interest (e.g, one that might serve as a general reference work on a particular subject). This will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 

The library will accept personal copies of print textbooks to be place on physical Course Reserves; these will be returned to the instructor after they are no longer needed. Because of the limited space for physical copies in Reserves, a maximum of two copies of the latest edition of a textbook can be placed on Reserves per course (for all course sections). Additional older editions are not permitted.

We encourage all instructors to consider using open education alternatives.  

E-Resources and Digitization Guidelines (for articles and book chapters)

Healey Library can provide high quality, ADA compliant chapter scans in support of your course. If your requested content is available electronically, persistent links will be provided. 

  • Please allow 1 week for scanning and streaming services at the start of a new semester
  • All requests must include complete bibliographic information
  • Scans will be emailed to you as PDFs
  • Articles will be emailed to you as PDFs or persistent links
  • Streaming video access will be provided as persistent links
  • All content provided to students must be ADA compliant
  • Healey Library can provide course content but does not have Blackboard administration privileges

In compliance with fair use guidelines, the following restrictions apply. You may request:

  • A copy of only one article from any one journal, one periodical, or one newspaper issue (e.g. New York Times, 6/2/1953).
  • A copy of only one chapter or not more than 10% from any book or other monograph (conference proceedings; miscellaneous report, unpublished paper etc.).
  • A copy of only one poem, short story, or essay from a single volume whether or not from a collected work.
  • A copy of only one drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, one journal, one periodical, one journal, or one newspaper issue.


Healey Library

100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125 US